Page 17 - WMF 2024 optimised guide
P. 17

SUNDAY 15          th

                        S Stt..  SSwwiitthhuunn''ss
                S Stt  SSwwiitthhuunn''ss    I Innssttiittuuttee  HHaallllss    T Thhee  SSwwaann  vv::2211  T Toonniicc  vv::2222
                C Chhuurrcchh  vv::1199
                          v v::2200
                T Tyylleerr  MMaasssseeyy  W Woorrcceesstteerr  SSoouurrccee  W WMMFF  T Toonniicc

            1 111::0000
                                                 SCAN TO DONATE

                                                 TO OUR CHARITY
            1 122::0000

            1 133::0000

            1 144::0000

                                         C Caavvaalliieerr  KKiidd
            1 155::0000
                          L LUUNNDDAA  A Anntthhoonnyy  O OddddBBooxx  EErriicc
            1 166::0000
                          16:00   16:00    16:00
                V Viinncceenntt  WWhhyyttee  E Elliizzaa  MMaayy  C Coolliinn  BBaaggggss  E Emmiilliiee  EElleeoonnoorree
            1 177::0000
                 17:00    17:15   17:00    17:00
                D Daann  HHaarrttllaanndd  C Clliinnggffiillmm  T Toonnyy  GGiillllaamm  K Kyyllee  PPaarrssoonn
            1 188::0000
                 18:00    18:30   18:00    18:00
                        T Thhee  JJoonnnnyy  OOaatteess
                 S Slleeuutthh  S Swweeaattyy  WWeeddnneessddaayy  YOUR WMF 2024
            1 199::0000   B Baanndd
                 19:00            19:00
                                                  We hope that you discover some great
                T Tyylleerr  MMaasssseeyy    F Flleesshh  TTeettrriiss
            2 200::0000  Q Quuaarrtteett  21:00   new artists over the weekend while
                                                  tuning in to some of your favourite
                                                  performers. We do encourage you
            2 211::0000
                                                  to support the artists by buying
                                                  merchandise, following them on social
            2 222::0000                           media and keeping your eyes peeled
                                                  for upcoming gigs!
            2 233::0000

                 Disclaimer : All schedules, times and events correct at time of going to press, for details of last minute
                 changes please visit:
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