Page 3 - WMF 2024 optimised guide
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Welcome to Worcester Music Festival 2024!
This year, as always, our beloved we’re delighted to welcome back
city comes alive with the vibrant popular spots like The Paul Pry and St
sounds of music, celebrating the rich Swithun’s Institute Halls!
tapestry of creativity and community At the heart of this year’s festival is the
that makes our city so special. As we Herefordshire & Worcestershire Motor
prepare to embark on this musical Neurone Disease Association. This
journey, we’re thrilled to announce incredible charity works tirelessly to
that over 250 artists from across the support local people affected by MND,
country will be performing in 23 offering grants for essential accessibility
unique venues throughout Worcester.
aids and providing vital assistance to
For 2024, we’re excited to introduce carers and families. As you immerse
new venues, including The Kings Head, yourself in the festival, we encourage
the charming Script Haven bookshop, you to support this worthy cause by
and The River King boat, offering you donating online or to our brightly
even more diverse settings to enjoy dressed charity team. Find out more on
live music. Alongside these newcomers, page 4.
IN Charity of the Year 4
THIS Photo Competition 2024 7
Venue Map
GUIDE Listings 10
Brought to you with support from:
Worcester City Council is proud to support WMF through funding from
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund. A diverse event programme will help to
create a vibrant city centre benefitting both residents and visitors.
Disclaimer : All schedules, times and events correct at time of going to press, for details
of last minute changes please visit: