Page 4 - WMF 2024 optimised guide
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Life with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and take shelter. And for carers, we’ve offered
can be incredibly challenging, both for those
diagnosed and their loved ones. The physical
and emotional toll is immense, often leaving
families feeling isolated and overwhelmed. This
is where the Herefordshire and Worcestershire
Motor Neurone Disease Association steps in,
offering a lifeline of support, care, and community
small but meaningful gestures—like a visit to
Run entirely by volunteers, our branch provides the hairdresser, pamper days, or even a family
the best possible support to local people with weekend break.
MND, their families, and carers. We understand
the complexities of living with MND and the strain We also recognise the unique needs of younger
it places on everyone involved. That’s why we’re family members. We’ve upgraded computers
here—not just to help, but to ensure that no one to assist with schoolwork, redecorated a young
has to face this journey alone. person’s bedroom, and even funded birthday
parties to bring joy during difficult times.
One of the most crucial ways we support families
is through our twice-monthly support groups. While the exact number of people we help
These gatherings, held at various locations around varies based on funding and individual needs,
Herefordshire and Worcestershire, offer a few our reach is significant. Currently, we have over
hours where those living with MND can come 20 members, each benefiting from the sense of
together in a safe and supportive environment. community and support that our group provides.
It’s a time to feel “normal” again, to chat, laugh, Our mission is simple yet powerful: to enrich the
share experiences, and find comfort in knowing lives of those affected by MND and to ensure that
that you are not alone.
they, along with their families and carers, receive
But our support extends far beyond these the support and care they need. With your help,
gatherings. Through generous fundraising, we’ve we can continue to be there for those who need
been able to provide vital grants that make a us most.
real difference in people’s lives. We’ve helped
fund stairlift rentals, a four-wheel-drive mobility Find out more about our work:
scooter for someone in a rural area, a boot hoist
for lifting a power chair into a car, and even @mndassoc
a smartwatch to help someone with limited @mndassoc
movement stay connected to the outside world.
For couples who cherish their time on the
allotment, we funded a shed where they can rest